Tamanu oil for curly and fine hair

Tamanu oil is classified as an exotic cosmetic. It is obtained in the process of cold pressing nuts from fruits of tamanu, tree growing in the Asia, Africa and on the Pacific Islands. It consists of thick consistency, yellow, green or brown colour and spicy – herbal scent. Below 10°C it solidifies, so it should be stored in room temperature, in an airtight packaging.

Tamanu oil is known for its extraordinary properties. It is related with its ingredients, i.e. unsaturated fatty acids and natural flavonoids. Both substances are responsible for moisture and nourishment, but also eliminate free radicals. At the same time tamanu oil prevents premature grey hair and excess hair loss. What is more, this product helps with greasy scalp, regulates work of sebaceous glands and eliminates dandruff. Tamanu oil provides gloss, smoothers and moisturises hair. It covers streaks with protective layer, which protects hair against high temperatures, sun radiation and pollution.

For hair care of curly and fine hair, tamanu oil is used frequently. It is suitable for both men and women, in spite of the age. Curly hair are difficult in maintenance and resistant to any stylisation. They are usually described as dry, damaged and with high porosity. Curly hair are prone to deal with frizz and fly-away hair. To smoother, tame and protect ends, apply on them small amount of tamanu oil. The cosmetic will provide protection throughout the day. On top of that, the cosmetic helps with combing and stylisation. It provides hair with nice gloss, smoother and softness.

Tamanu oil is also used in conditioning of fine and weak hair. Thanks to regular application, the cosmetic will nourish, strengthen and protect hair against chemical and mechanical damages. You can use it for stylisation and combing of hair. All you need to do is apply few drops of tamanu oil on streaks, every morning. Start application at the half of hair length and be careful not to weight them down or make your scalp greasy. You can always perform scalp massage to stimulate blood circulation, improve absorption of nourishing ingredients present in tamanu oil, strengthen follicles and at the same time speed up their growth on their length and dense.